Skin Growths

Skin Growths

Skin growths typically are bumps or lumps projecting out from surrounding skin and are often benign. Among the most common skin growths are Moles and Warts. Moles are small skin marks caused by pigment-producing cells in the skin that can be flat, raised, smooth, or rough.

We specialize in diagnosing and treating Skin Growths. Dr. Keith M. Gross or one of his associates can examine the growth, determine if it may be cancerous, and then develop a plan to remove it with limited discomfort.

Skin Growths can be ugly and unpleasant to look at, so why live with them when a simple in-office procedure can remove them.

Some types of Skin Growths we see regularly include:


Warts are a viral infection on the skin often caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).

There are several types of warts that include:

  • Common Warts: which typically appear on your fingers
  • Plantar Warts: which show up on the soles of your feet
  • Genital Warts: which are a sexually transmitted disease

The HPV virus is quite common and has more than 100 types and is contagious by skin to skin contact. Some strains of HPV are acquired through sexual contact, and can lead to other complications and must be treated immediately. In most cases, warts are not dangerous, but contagious, and should be treated.

The treatments for Warts can include:

  • Cryosurgery – Using cold liquid nitrogen to freeze the warts
  • Acids to slowly and painlessly peel away the warts
  • Medicine in a cream to treat the warts
  • Biopsy of “warts” is sometimes needed, as there are skin cancers that can appear to be warts

Do not cut off the wart or attempt to pick off the wart on your own. If you do, you may actually spread the virus and end up with more warts.

If you have warts, get them treated by a trained professional. Call our office for an appointment to have Dr. Keith M. Gross or one of his associates treat any wart you may have.


Moles are a common type of skin growth that are often benign. Most people develop them when they are younger, and they appear as small dark brown spots.

Moles are usually benign, but some may be Melanoma precursors or may have already changed to Melanoma (Skin Cancer). Melanoma screening is crucial since Melanoma is a Skin Cancer that is potentially fatal.

Moles that are prone to be Melanoma usually have non-uniform color, but can also appear to be pink, tan, or white. They may be irregularly shaped and may not be uniform in color and shape like normal moles. They may change or develop symptoms, like itching, irritation, or bleeding.

If you notice a mole that recently appeared, is larger than most, has irregular edges, has uneven color, you should schedule an appointment at our practice to have Dr. Gross or one of his associates examine it right away.

Dermatologists use the ABCDE rule when examining moles to determine if one may be Melanoma. While there is no substitute for an experienced eye, this rule is a good tool for you to use when screening yourself for Melanoma. It can help you determine whether your mole is an Abnormal growth and may be Melanoma.

The ABCDE rule is as follows:

  • Asymmetry (one half of the mole doesn’t match the other)
  • Border irregularity
  • Color that is not uniform
  • Diameter greater than 6 mm (about the size of a pencil eraser)
  • Evolving size, shape or color

If you have a mole that you are concerned about or if a new skin growth appears on your body, get checked by a dermatologist right away. Skin cancer prevention and early treatment is essential, and you should have any suspicious moles examined by a trained professional. Dr. Gross has over 25 years of experience examining and treating Skin Cancer and suspicious skin growths.

We have the expertise to help you appropriately manage Moles and other Skin Growths. Call Us Today for an appointment to get examined!

Seborrheic Keratosis

Most people will develop a Seborrheic Keratosis which is a benign noncancerous skin growth. This common growth can occur on any part of the body but typically appear on your trunk and neck. They may be solitary or in clusters. Most people will develop them as they get older. Typically, treatment is recommended if they have symptoms, such as itching or irritation; or if they are changing.

The most common treatments are:

  • Cryosurgery (Freezing with liquid nitrogen)
  • Biopsy or surgical removal for pathology (If suspicious appearance)

Just remember that a Seborrheic Keratosis is a growth that may be unsightly, and not require treatment. However, if you have one or more of these and they are bothering you, call us today for an appointment to have them removed in-office with a simple procedure performed by Dr. Gross or one of his associates.

At Inland Dermatology Skin Cancer Center We have extensive experience treating Seborrheic Keratoses growths, Dr. Gross will examine your growth and develop a plan to quickly remove it. Call Us Today and let us remove these skin growths with a simple in-office procedure.

Skin Growths are something that every person deals with during their life from childhood to those wonderful aging years, we get Skin Growths and they usually are not pretty! Don’t wait for them to go away, we can remove them quickly and painlessly with minimal discomfort. Dr. Keith M. Gross has over 27+ years examining, treating, and removing skin growths. There are many types of skin growths that are not listed here, but a thorough examination of your skin can help to alleviate the worry and clearly define exactly what type of growth you have on your body.

Please keep in mind that only a trained professional, after the proper examination and laboratory tests, can definitively tell you if your growth is cancerous…don’t take any chances, Call us for An Appointment Today!

The information on this page is intended for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.